When using your Airboard Pro, like many sporting activities, carries a very real risk of injury, damage to property or death if the guidelines within your manual are not adhered to. The rider should always wear protective head gear (helmet), elbow and knee pads, we also recommend wrist guards and any other protective equipment to limit your possibility of risk. You should use your Airboard PRO product within your abilities, firstly you should learn how to stop, always mount and dis-mount from the rear of the board – do not step off forwards.

DO NOT under any circumstances ride near any traffic or other dangerous locations that may increase your risk of injury.

Don’t fall prey to any peer pressure and take unnecessary risks such as not wearing a helmet or relevant protective gear. People may say it’s not “cool” to wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads etc, but the risk of permanent injury or death is definitely not “cool” – Read your manual and take the necessary precautions each time your ride.


All our Airboard PRO products are warranted to be free of defects in workmanship and materials for the first 30 days from date of purchase. Any issues in the first 30 days we will endeavour to assist you with any issues. Due to the nature of the way the product is used, any damage incurred to the board or its components as a result of misuse or an impact is not covered. However we will always try and assist you with our repair team available on site.

All Airboard PRO products come with a 12 months manufacturer’s warranty for the battery, charger and charging port and the charging system as a whole. The warranty begins from the actual date of purchase by the customer, and is valid in the UK.

Due to the nature of the product we cannot be held responsible for the misuse or damage as a result of an impact. This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear over time, any abuse, exposure to water damage, delamination due to water exposure, any stress cracks, exteneral shell chips, scrapes through use by the rider or any damage from any type of impact is not covered. DO NOT attempt to fix a board yourself, if you do your warranty with us will not be honoured. Additionally all seals must be intact on the item. Do not attempt to fix or internally inspect a board fault yourself this again will void the warranty. In the event of the above scenario we may to be able to assist you with a repair, though we will always endeavour to look after our customers as a main priority.

However, your battery, charger and charging port are covered for a period of 1 year, subject to proof that the product has been charged, and used in an inappropriate manner all we need is your order number to arrange a repair and get your riding again as soon as possible. If your are experiencing a technical issue please do not hesitate to contact us.


The user of any Airboard PRO product assumes all risks and responsibility detailed in the Waiver, Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement outlined below.

Waiver, Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement

To Airboard PRO Limited, it’s proprietors and all associated owners, (Collectively and here in after referred to as “Airboard Pro”), from whom I purchased Airboard Pro equipment described and their respective stockholders, owners, employees, agents, representatives, dealers, distributors and associates: With my purchase I assume all risk associated with the use of the Airboard Pro equipment purchased, loaned, given, traded, received, I understand that using the products, as with all extreme sports, carries an inherent risk of personal injury, property damage or death (Collectively and hereinafter referred to as “Risk”). By purchasing the Airboard PRO equipment, I agree to accept all possible known and unknown “Risk” associated with using the equipment. I agree, to the fullest extent of the law, to indemnify and hold harmless and to waive any and all claims that I have or may have in the future against “Airboard Pro” resulting from the use of the equipment. I agree to the fullest extent of the law to Release, Indemnify and Hold Harmless “Airboard PRO” from any and all liability for injury, loss, damage, death or expense that I or my next of kin may suffer as a result of my use of the equipment, due to any cause or reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, any negligence or breach of contract in the manufacturing, assembling, design, maintenance, selection, sale, adjustment, modification of the balance board scooter and accessories. In the event of my incapacitation or death, this agreement shall be effective and binding upon my next of kin, relatives, heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, and representatives. In entering this agreement, I am not relying on any oral or written representation other than what has been set forth above in this agreement. I have read and understood this agreement and I am aware that by purchasing from “Airboard PRO” I am agreeing to all aspects of this agreement and that by doing so, I may be waiving certain rights, including the right to sue Airboard PRO, its associated directors, employees, partners and/or the distributor.


Using a product from Airboard PRO is exhilarating and fun, but not unlike any extreme sport it takes time and patience to become a good rider. In our experience from teaching riders in store of all ages, unto 1 hour of practice while holding onto a work top surface will allow you to begin to feel confident. In many cases we have seen it only takes 10 minutes. However, we would highly recommend initially only using the board inside, in a room that has sufficient space, and learn to practice getting on and off safely. ALWAYS MOUNT AND DISMOUNT TO THE REAR – DO NOT STEP FORWARDS OFF THE BOARD. Understand the stop position by keep your feet 100% horizontal the board will not move. Thereafter, learn to make small movements forward, backwards and turn in a circle, only let go when you are ready. Please be aware, that to begin with, you are likely to fall off at least once or twice without practice… SO BE SENSIBLE AND TAKE CARE. You are responsible for your own safety, and we highly recommend the use of helmets, elbow and knee pads and wrist guards at all times to limit injuries.